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 USA - Court: Keyword Metatags are a poor indicator of relevancy

After more than ten years of metatag cases: The United States District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin is the first to realize that keyword metatags don't matter to search engines!

Standard Process, Inc. v. Banks, 2008 WL 1805374 (E.D. Wis. April 18, 2008):

"Like the plaintiff in Promatek, Dr. Banks used Standard Process trademarks in the metatags of his website. However, today “modern search engines make little if any use of metatags.” ... As more and more webmasters “manipulated their keyword metatags to provide suboptimal keyword associations, search engines progressively realized that keyword metatags were a poor indicator of relevancy.” Accordingly, search engines today primarily use algorithms that rank a website by the number of other sites that link or point to it."

For more information on the case see: Goldman, Eric, Court Says Keyword Metatags Don't Matter - Standard Process v. Banks, Technology & Marketing Law Blog




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