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 Belgium: Publisher v. Search Engine

Google has been ordered by a Belgian court to remove all articles, photographs and graphics from French-speaking newspapers. Copiepresse issued the complaint and won the court ruling on September 5th. Not only does this require Google to remove content from Google News, the court order also requires removing the content from the Google cache. has a link to the full court order.

Google asked the court to reconsider its decision and requested that the requirement to post the ruling on its home pages be suspended. The court on Friday 22nd September agreed to reconsider its ruling in November this year.

Also see a press release by the World Association of Newspapers (WAN) about a new software-based protocol called ACAP (Automated Content Access Protocol) which is used to tell search engine spiders, and other services, what can be done with the content they crawl. The project is due to start later this year and last for 12 months.


  • September 25, 2006: About the Google News case in Belgium, Official Google Blog:
    "You may have read recently about Google being taken to court in Belgium. Whilst we aren't allowed to comment on the judgment itself, we thought you may want to know the facts of the case -- what actually happened, and when -- and the issues it raises."

  • September 25, 2006: Googles Einspruch in Belgien zurückgewiesen, Heise:
    "Der Suchmaschinenanbieter Google muss einer gerichtlichen Anordnung Folge leisten und die Verfügung eines belgischen Gerichts auf seinen Angeboten veröffentlicht."

  • September 22, 2006: Bogatin, Donna, Google vs. Belgian media: You go Belgium!, ZDNet Blogs

  • September 18, 2006: Google muss belgische Zeitungsartikel aus seinem Angebot entfernen, Heise:
    "Der Internetsuchmaschinen-Betreiber Google muss Artikel, Fotografien und grafische Darstellungen französisch- und deutschsprachiger belgischer Zeitungen aus seinen Angeboten entfernen, die vom Unternehmen Copiepresse vertreten werden."




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