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German Search Engines create a self-censorship-organisation


The German internet search engines, Lycos Europe, MSN Germany, AOL Germany,, T-Online and T-Info have joined forces to create a self-censorship organisation under the hood of the German FSM (the "Voluntary Self-Control for Multimedia Service Providers")  to systematically tackle the removal of links to web content banned by German law. The project especially aims at automating the filtering out of URLs on the index of Germany's Federal Department for Media Harmful to Young Persons (BPJM).  Forbidden in Germany and restricting the freedom of speech are e.g. child pornography, certain other types of pornography (like bestiality), right wing extremist "hate" sites, incitement to commit crimes, race discrimination, treasonable conduct as an agent for sabotage purposes or glorification of violence. There will be a centralized server containing a blacklist of banned URLs. Germans will still be able to use the non-German editions of the search engines, thus having access to the "censored" material, just as they have now.

  • February 25, 2005, Search engine providers practice self-regulation, Heise:
    "In Berlin today the search engine providers Google, Lycos Europe, MSN Deutschland, AOL Deutschland, Yahoo, T-Online and t-info announced the creation of a self-regulatory organization under the umbrella of the "Voluntary Self-Control for Multimedia Service Providers."

  • February 25, 2004: Krempl, Stefan, Suchmaschinen filtern jugendgefährdende Angebote, Telepolis:
    "Deutsche Suchmaschinenbetreiber geloben in einem Verhaltenskodex, rund 1000 vom Bund indizierte Websites in einem Akt der Selbstkontrolle nicht mehr anzuzeigen."

  • February 24, 2005: German Search Engines Selfregulating, Slashdot

  • February 24, 2005: Selbstzensur der Suchmaschinen - Schluss mit Porno, Stern:
    "Eine Vereinbarung großer Suchmaschinenbetreiber in Deutschland dürfte einigen Staub aufwirbeln: Künftig soll der Zugang zu rechtsextremistischen oder pornografischen Webseiten deutlich erschwert werden."

  • February 24, 2005: Selbstregulierung der Suchmaschinenanbieter, Heise:
    "Die Suchmaschinenanbieter Google, Lycos Europe, MSN Deutschland, AOL Deutschland, Yahoo, T-Online und t-info haben heute in Berlin die Gründung einer eigenen Selbstregulierungsorganisation unter dem Dach der Freiwilligen Selbstkontrolle Multimedia-Diensteanbieter (FSM) angekündigt."

Verhaltenssubkodex für Suchmaschinenanbieter der FSM





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